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Hanumana Chalisa

(Forty verses in praise of Shrī Hanumāna by Tulsidās)

The Shri Hanumana chalisa commences with an invocation to the guru in the doha (success- giving) form of Shri Hanumana. Shri Hanumana raises the devotee to his own level of excellence, which is a perpetual state of beatitude.
Tulsidās says:
Shrī-gurū charana saroja raja
I bow to the lotus feet of the divine guru.
Nija mana mukuru sudhāri
May the dust of Your feet clean the mirror of my mind.
Baranaūṅ Raghubar bimala jasu
Now I will describe the pure glory of Shri Rama, who bestows the four gifts:
Jo dāyaku phala chāri
Dharma (virtue and right conduct), artha (purpose and wealth), kama (love and desire) and moksha (liberation and salvation).
Buddhi hīn tanu jānike
Realising the limitations of the mind,
Sumirāuṅ Pavana kumār
I remember the son of the wind-god.
Bal buddhi vidyā dehu mohiṅ
Please give me strength, wisdom and knowledge, O great-bodied one,
Harahu kalesa vikāra
To relieve me of all my sufferings and impurities.

Now begins the main body of the Shri Hanumana chalisa, consisting of forty quatrains praising Shri Hanumana’s qualities of head and heart, used for fulfilling the divine mission of protecting the good and destroying evil.
Choupāi (verses consisting of four parts)

(1) Jay Hanumāna gyāna guna sāgara
Victory to Shri Hanumana, the ocean of knowledge and virtue.
Jay kapīsa tihūṅ-loka ujāgara
Hail great lord of the monkeys who illuminates the three worlds!
(2) Rāma-dūta atulīta bala dhāmā
Messenger of Shri Rama, of unequalled strength,
Anjanī-putra Pavana-suta nāmā
Son of Shri Anjani, You are also called the wind-god’s son.
(3) Mahā-vīra vikram bajaraṅgī
Powerful and courageous warrior, with mighty limbs,
Kumati nivāra sumati ke saṅgī
Remover of evil tendencies in the mind and friend of wisdom;
(4) Kanchana barana virāja subesā
O You of golden complexion and well attired,
Kānana kundala kunchita kesā
Youthful, wearing ear rings, with curly hair,
(5) Hātha bajra aur dhvajā birāje
You hold the Vajra (the rock) and the flag in Your hands,
Kāndhe mūnja janeū sāje
With the sacred thread of munj grass across Your shoulder,
(6) Shaṅkara suvana Kesarī-nandana
Shining with auspiciousness, O son of Kesari,
Teja pratāpa mahā jaga-vandana
Glorious and radiant,You are worshipped by the whole world.
(7) Vidyāvāna gunī ati chātura
You are highly learned, virtuous and sagacious.
Rāma kāja karibe ko ātura
You are always anxious to accomplish Shri Rama’s work.
(8) Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyā
You revel in listening to the lore of the Lord,
Rāma Lakhan Sītā mana basiyā
Enshrining in Your heart Shri Rama, Lakshman and Sita.
(9) Sūkshma rūpa dhari Siyahiṅ dikhāvā
You appeared before Shri Sita in a tiny form.
Vikata rūpa dharī Laṅka jarāvā
Assuming a colossal figure, You burnt the city of Lanka.
(10) Bhīma rūpa dharī asura sanhāre
Acquiring a terrifying form to destroy the asuras,
Rāmachandra ke kāja samvāre
You served the cause of Lord Ramachandra.
(11) Lāya sanjīvana Lakhana jiyāye
You brought the sanjivani herbs and revived Shri Lakshmana,
Shrī Raghubīra harashi ura lāye
Shri Rama then embraced You in joy.
(12) Raghupati kīnhīṅ bahuta badhā-ī
Shri Raghupati praised You very highly:
Tum mama priya Bharata sama bhā-ī
‘You are as dear to me as my brother, Bharat,’ He said.
(13) Sahasa badana Tumharo yasha gāve
The thousand faced Shesha sings hymns in Your praise’,
Asa kahi Shrīpatī kantha lagāve
The lord of Lakshmi said, pressing You to His heart.
(14) Sanak’ādika Brahm’ādi munīsā
The God-realised saint Sanaka, along with
Nārada Sārada sahita ahīsā
Shri Narada and Sarada sing Your praise.
(15) Yama Kubera Dikpāla jahāṅte
The gods of death, wealth and protection,
Kabi kovida kahi sake kahāṅte
Great poets and scholars have all failed to sing fully of Your glories. How can this poet give expression to Your excellence?
(16) Tum upakāra Sugrīva-hiṅ kīnhā
You helped Sugriva and brought him to Lord Rama,
Rāma milāya rāja-pada dīnhā
Thus You retrieved for him his lost kingship.
(17) Tumharo mantra Bibhīshana mānā
Bibhishana listened to Your advice and
Laṅkeshwara bhaye saba jaga jānā
Became the King of Lanka; the whole world knows this.
(18) Yuga sahasra yojana para bhānū
The sun is twelve thousand yojans away,
Līlyo tāhi madhura phala jānū
You mistook it for a sweet fruit and tried to swallow it.
(19) Prabhu mudrikā meli mukha māhiṅ
No wonder that putting Lord Rama’s ring in Your mouth
Jaladhi lāṅghiṅ gaye acharaja nāhiṅ
You leapt across the seas.
(20) Durgam kāja jagata ke jete
All difficult tasks of the world are
Sugam anugraha Tumhare tete
Rendered easy, with Your grace.
(21) Rāma duāre Tuma rakhawāre
You guard the doorsteps of Lord Rama.
Hota na āgyā binu paisāre
No one can enter His presence without Your permission.
(22) Saba sukha lahe Tumhārī saranā
All happiness lies in seeking refuge at Your feet.
Tuma rakshaka kāhū ko daranā
When You are the protector, why should one fear?
(23) Āpana teja samhāro āpe
You alone can control the great power You possess.
Tīnoṅ loka hāṅkate kāmpe
All the three worlds tremble at Your call.
(24) Bhūta pisācha nikata nahiṅ āve
Evil spirits do not dare to come near
Mahā-vira jaba nāma sunāve
The one who recites Your name, O great warrior.
(25) Nāse roga hare saba pīrā
All disease and pain are destroyed by the
Japata nirantara Hanumata vīrā
Constant repetition of the name of the valiant Shri Hanumana.
(26) Saṅkata te Hanumāna chhurāve
Shri Hanumana delivers a person from misery
Man kram bachana dhyāna jo lāve
If he meditates on Him in thought, word and action.
(27) Saba para Rāma tapasvī rājā
Lord Rama is the detached ruler of the universe.
Tinake kāja sakala Tuma sājā
You brought to fruition all His enterprises.
(28) Aura manoratha jo koī lāve
If someone comes to You with a desire in mind,
Soi amita jīvana phala pāve
You give that person the unlimited fruits of life.
(29) Chāroṅ yuga paratāpa Tumhārā
Your bright glory travels all directions and ages.
Hai parasiddha jagata ujiyārā
The world knows about the benign power of Shri Hanumana.
(30) Sādhu santa ke Tuma rakhawāre
You are the protector of seekers and saints.
Asura nikandana Rāma dulāre
You are the destroyer of the asuras, the evil forces.
(31) Ashta siddhi nava nidhī ke dātā
You dispense the eight powers and the nine types of wealth,
Asa vara dīna Jānakī Mātā
as a boon bestowed on You by the Divine Mother Janaki.
(32) Rāma rasāyana Tumhare pāsā
You possess the divine elixir of Shri Rama’s name.
Sadā raho Raghupati ke dāsā
You are ever the servant of Lord Rama.
(33) Tumhare bhajan Rāma ko pāve
By singing hymns in Your praise one reaches Shri Rama,
Janama janama ke dukha Bisarāve
and is freed from the sorrows of many lifetimes.
(34) Anta kāla Raghuvara pura jā-ī
In the end such a one enters the divine abode of Shri Rama.
Jahāṅ janma Hari-bhakta kahā-ī
If reborn, he becomes a devotee of Shri Vishnu.
(35) Aura devatā chitta na dhara-ī
Your devotees need not remember any other deity.
Hanumata seī sarva sukha kara-ī
All happiness is assured by Lord Hanumana.
(36) Saṅkata kate mite saba pīrā
All difficulties and pain are destroyed,
Jo sumire Hanumata balavīrā
When one remembers Shri Hanumana, the strong and brave.
(37) Jay Jay Jay Hanumāna gosā-īṅ
Hail, Hail, Hail to Shri Hanumana! Lord of my entire Self,
Kripā karahu gurū deva kī nā-īṅ
Please shower Your grace on me like a divine guru.
(38) Jo sata bāra pātha kare ko-ī
One who recites this chalisa seven times,
Chhūtahiṅ bandi mahā sukha ho-ī
Will be delivered from difficulties and will attain great joy.
(39) Jo yaha padhai Hanumāna chālīsā
One who recites this chalisa in praise of Shri Hanumana
Hoya siddhi sākhī Gaurīsā
Will achieve success and get the darshan of Lord Shiva.
(40) Tulsīdāsa sadā Hari cherā
Tulsidas is ever the servant of the Lord and prays perpetually:
Kīje Nātha hṛidaya maha derā
‘O Lord, may You always reside in my heart!’
The Shri Hanumana chalisa closes with a fervent prayer.

Pavana-tanaya Saṅkata harana
O son of the wind-god, remover of misfortunes,
Maṅgala Mūrati Rūpa
Most auspicious figure,
Rāma Lakhana Sītā sahita
With Shri Rama, Shri Lakshmana and Shri Sita,
Hṛidaya basahuṅ sur-bhūpa
O protector of Heaven and Earth, please reside in my heart.
Sākshāt Shri Ādi Shakti Mātāji
Shri Nirmalā Devyai namo namah